Laws and Governments of Oogima

                                                 Utopian Society Project
        The government system that I chose for my society is Democracy because people can elect official to represent their interest. The citizens at Oogima will choose every year if they want to keep the same people in office or they can re-elect. If the vast majority of Oogima chooses to keep it the same then we wait another year to see if we want to change, but if it goes the other way and we chose to re-elect then we vote again to see who is going to be put in office. To see if we must re-elect then we go to the building that’s in each city called Scott’s Act and it has up to 500+ booths.  We also go there to re-elect if needed.


          Crime is taking very seriously in Oogima. Depending on the severity of the crime, the person will either get a small punishment or get banished from the country. There is also a strikes system; you get maximum of three strikes. This only applies for smaller crimes. For an example if you get into a fight with someone and the authorities find out you will get 1 strike, leaving you7 2 strikes left until you get fined, throw in to jail, or banished. There are ways to get rid of  the strikes you earned by talking to the courts about doing something that will help the community like community work and things like that.


        1 - Weaponry can only be possessed by ones whose jobs require to have it.
(No one should have weapons like guns in the possession unless the job you have requires it.)
        2 -Don’t start any disruption throughout the utopia.
(Don’t start fights or riots. We can solve the problem by talking it out peacefully or in courts.)
        3 -Be respectful of the utopia and the people/animals in it.
(Meaning discriminating or ruining the utopia)
       4 -Follow the rules the utopia has set.
(Follow the rules, so this utopia can stay beautiful.)
       5-If you don’t like some of the rules you may state your case to the courts.
(If you don’t like any of the rules you may go to the courts to see if you can change it depending on the rules. SOME RULRES CAN”T BE CHANGED.)
      6 -Don’t smoke or use alcohol in the utopia.
(NO drugs or alcohol are allowed in the utopia, but the is an assigned place you can go to do so that’s right outside the country)
     7 -You must have at least all 12 grades done.
(You must go to 1-12 grade and have a high school diploma or GED, preschool and college is not required but highly recommended)

       The reason I chose these rules/laws was because they keep peace in the utopia and they can change some laws if they want so we can create a better society. The only problem I have to worry about is they might try to take advantage of the rule changing and make it so they don’t have to follow them because they are tired of not being able to do things.


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