
Showing posts from February, 2019

Propaganda poster 2


Propagada Poster 1


Blake’s Presidential Speech

                                               Blake’s Presidential Speech        I, Blake Sanders, will keep my promise to keep Oogima an equal, peaceful, loving place like the founder Mikayla Courtwright wanted. 50 years ago she was travelling for vacation when a bad storm started to begin it eventually got worse and the waves moved harder and faster. Mikayla was eventually knock out and when she awoke, she saw this beautiful place and called it Oogima hope for a new start she started to build a house out of wood she found in the forest eventually her family got worried and asked for a search party to find her. 6 months after looking they found the island and Mikayla. They to saw the beautiful place this was and they invited people to stay make a new life here. After fight the world to make this place happen, Mikayla become queen, but she didn’t want to have that type of government so she sought out for a Democracy and 50 years later Oogima was one of the most traveled places. What

Laws and Governments of Oogima

                                                 Utopian Society Project         The government system that I chose for my society is Democracy because people can elect official to represent their interest. The citizens at Oogima will choose every year if they want to keep the same people in office or they can re-elect. If the vast majority of Oogima chooses to keep it the same then we wait another year to see if we want to change, but if it goes the other way and we chose to re-elect then we vote again to see who is going to be put in office. To see if we must re-elect then we go to the building that’s in each city called Scott’s Act and it has up to 500+ booths.  We also go there to re-elect if needed. Crime           Crime is taking very seriously in Oogima. Depending on the severity of the crime, the person will either get a small punishment or get banished from the country. There is also a strikes system; you get maximum of three strikes. This only applies for smaller crimes.

Utopian Soceity Flag

Oo gi ma 's N at i on a l  Fl ag

My vision

Utopian Society Project Oogima is a big quite place full of people who are friendly to one another. This country has plenty of sites to see from the green forest to the beautiful blue beach with corals reefs that look like a unicorn throw up on it. Oogima is a place where equality is our main priority on top of other things. Equality to Oogima is where everyone is the treated the same no matter the genders, sexual orientation, or race. Oogima means to build and maintain our community together and make our brother's and sister's problems our problems and to solve them together peacefully and respectfully because we are one big family. Oogima’s motto is “It is my nature to be kind, gentle, and loving but know this: When it comes to matters of protecting my friends, family and my heart. Do not trifle with me. For I am also the most powerful and relentless creature you will ever know.” meaning we are the kindest person you can meet unless you do that goes against our valu